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How can I delete my dormant company?
How can I delete my dormant company?
Unicount avatar
Written by Unicount
Updated over a week ago

Starting from 1 February 2023 Estonian companies can be deleted if they have not started activities and all shareholders and management board members agree to it.

For deleting your company you need to be able to log in to the e-Business Register with your e-resident card. In the main information tab, there is now a new option called “Delete legal person”.

Starting the application automatically prefills your application text so nothing to upload. Important is that all shareholders and board members need to be able to sign the application online or through a shareholder resolution you upload as a digitally signed document in .asice container. Not having a valid e-resident card or Smart-ID app for signing the resolution in the Digidoc program means that you need to go to the notary in Estonia.

This is what your application would look like. There is no state fee for this application. After all the shareholders and board members have signed you can submit it to the register.

After you have submitted your application the court needs to check if other interested government agencies approve the deletion. The court also checks if the company has shares in other Estonian companies, real estate, vessels, or publicly traded stocks. If these checks go well the notice is published in the official gazette

Three months after the notice has been published the court can finally delete your company. Companies that got deleted voluntarily cannot be opened again.

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