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How do I create sales invoices?
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Written by Unicount
Updated over 2 years ago

For creating sales invoices for your Estonian company there are several online tools available on the market. None of them are completely free.

For example, you can use Envoice, e-Financials, or Merit.

Envoice is not an accounting software itself and therefore it has API integrations with e-Financials and Merit. e-Financials or Merit is suitable for micro-company accounting.

Envoice is an Estonian-made expense management SaaS that has integrations with the most popular accounting software in Estonia. It also includes a simple invoicing tool and API connection with your Wise account. This is why we enrol all our accounting service clients to Envoice.

Merit is Estonian-made accounting software that works perfectly well with Envoice. It makes sense for you to invoice through Merit if your accountant is on the same platform.

e-Financials is Estonian government-owned accounting software for micro-companies, one of the cheapest on the market. Not too many accounting firms use it though.

Unicount uses Envoice as it also includes cool expense management tools and is integrated with accounting software that our accountants use.

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